Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research: The Blog

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Percepción de los medicamentos genéricos en pobladores en un distrito del Perú

[Perception of generic drugs among residents in a district of Peru]

Article published in J. Pharm. Pharmacogn. Res., vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1114-1122, Nov-Dec 2023.


Original Article

Ambrocio Teodoro Esteves Pairazaman*, José Rincón Chávez, Consuelo Berta Horna Sandoval, Flor Lidia Bustamante Fustamante, Yolanda Ruiz Vargas

Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima, Perú.



Context: In the Peruvian context, generic drugs are those pharmaceutical products whose names correspond to the active ingredient of the drug and are not identified by a brand name; brand name drugs, on the other hand, are pharmaceutical products whose names are determined by the drug manufacturer.

Aims: To know the perception of generic drugs by a Peruvian population.

Methods: The type of research was applied, deductive method, non-experimental design, quantitative approach and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 218 inhabitants, who were submitted to a questionnaire where the study variable was measured.

Results: The main results showed that the level of information on generic drugs among the study sample was low (74,3%), as was consumption (66,5%), the level of confidence in these drugs was low (64,7%) and, finally, the inhabitants indicated that they had little access to generic drugs in their area (68,8%).

Conclusions: The general perception of the study population towards generic drugs was low.


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This entry was posted on 28 de May de 2024 by in Pharmacy.

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