Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research: The Blog

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Insecticidal effects of Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis essential oil on the diseases vector Chrysomya putoria

Article published in Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 6(3): 148-157, 2018. (PDF)

Idelsy Chil-Núñez1,2,3,4*, Paloma Martins Mendonça1,4,5, Julio C. Escalona-Arranz3,4, Lucas Barbosa Cortinhas1,6, Carlos M. Dutok-Sánchez4,7, Margareth M. de Carvalho Queiroz1,4

1Laboratório de Entomologia Médica e Forense, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz(IOC/FIOCRUZ), Ave. Brasil, 4365 Pavilhão Herman Lent, Sala 14, Térreo, Manguinhos, 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2Programa de Pós-graduação em Biodiversidade e Saúde, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IOC/FIOCRUZ), Ave. Brasil 4365, Secretaria Académica, Pavilhão Arthur Neiva, Manguinhos, 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
3Departamento de Farmacia, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad de Oriente, Patricio Lumumba y Ave. Las Américas, 90500 Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
4Projeto Capes (Ministério da Educação do Brasil) – MES (Ministerio de La Educación Superior de Cuba).
5Mestrado Profissional em Ciências Ambientais, Universidade Severino Sombra – USS, Avenida Expedicionário Oswaldo de Ramos, Vassoras, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
6Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia Parasitária, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, (IOC/FIOCRUZ), Avenida Brasil 4365, Secretaria Académica, Pavilhão Arthur Neiva, Manguinhos, 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
7Núcleo de Ciências Fisiológicas, Universidade Federal do Amapá, Campus Binacional do Oiapoque, Amapá, Brasil.



Context: The blowfly Chrysomya putoria is widely distributed throughout the Neotropical region and, besides transmitting pathogens; they could cause secondary myiasis. Botanical insecticides provide an alternative to synthetic pesticides because the excessive use of synthetic insecticides resulted in a progressive resistance of the pests to these chemicals, diminishing their effectiveness and generating consequences with negative environmental impact. The essential oil extracted from Ocimum sanctum (basil) has showed insecticidal activity against some insects but has no reported studies on the activity of this plant against flies.

Aims: To evaluate the insecticidal effects of Ocimum sanctum var. cubensis Gomes essential oil on the post embryonic development of Chrysomya putoria.

Methods: The colonies of Chrysomya putoria were established and maintained at the Laboratório de Entomologia Médica e Forense (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The basil essential oil was tested in six concentrations (4.13, 8.25, 20.63, 41.25, 61.87 and 80,25 mg/mL). Mortality and changes in life cycle were recorded daily.

Results: β-caryophyllene, β-selinene and eugenol, were the main constituents of the basil essential oil. The experiments demonstrated that in all concentrations tested, this essential oil shortening the duration of all post embryonic stages having a direct impact in the viability of this fly estimating the LC50 in 7.47 mg/mL of concentration. In addition, the essential oil caused morphological alterations in abdomen, wings and ptilinum at lower concentrations.

Conclusions: This essential oil emerge as a good option for the control of the disease vector blowfly Chrysomya putoria.

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This entry was posted on 3 de April de 2018 by in Essential oil, Insecticidal, Medicinal plants.

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